Oct 6, 2009

The Harvester

As the leaves fall and the light changes, the natural instinct is to travel inwards. Appreciate the change in energy around you and flow with it. Allowing gratitude for life lessons, relationships, family, earth to take root in the spirit expands the aura with the clear understanding and meaning of Harvest.

The Harvester is taking up the fruits of that which has grown. Her labour in conceiving and nurturing is seeing its time of completion; now is for the work of gathering. In gathering she sets up stock for the dark season, preserves and dries certain things for later use. There is binding and burning of that which is dead and no longer of service. The winter beds are prepared for the coming freezing and finally, after the hard work is finished, there is celebration.

These are the stages of all life, wether it be on astral, spiritual, emotional, mental or physical planes. Can you find yourself in any or all of these? Bring to your experience an awareness of the plateau from which you currently view yourself and your loved ones. From that awareness, nurture gratitude for all which has grown.

Happy Harvesting.

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